Downloadable Forms

Downloadable Forms

Here is a list of available forms to assist in reporting unsafe drivers using your dashcam

  1. Complaint Form

This form should be filled out with the information about the unsafe driving event caught on your dashcam.  This Form will insure all the proper information is given to authorities when filling a complaint.

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  1. Warning Letter Notice ( mailed to owner of unsafe vehicle)   

This form can be used to send to the owner of the vehicle in the unsafe driver dashcam video.  The form is intended to inform the vehicle owner of the video in which their vehicle is allegedly being driven in a dangerous manner.  This letter would serve as a warning with the hopes that the driver in the video will drive more responsibility in the future.  This Can be used by law enforcement authorities, insurance companies or private investigative services who can track down vehicles via license plates and send out these letters

Link to PDF

  1.  Bad Intersection Form

This form is for reporting unsafe intersections or roadways which are high danger areas for drivers and pedestrians .     See our bad intersection page for more info

Link to PDF