
How to report an unsafe driver using a dashcam video

Reporting AgencyReporting Link
Missouri Department of Revenuehttps://dor.mo.gov/faq/driver-license/report-unsafe-driver.html 
Missouri State Highway Patrol https://www.mshp.dps.missouri.gov/MSHPWeb/Publications/Brochures/documents/SHP-710.pdf
Missouri State Highway Patrol Dial 1-800-525-5555 or cellular * 55 to report a traffic crash, emergencies, intoxicated or drugged drivers, reckless driving, vehicle  problems, hazardous material spills, and criminal activity.

You can also attempt to contact:

  • Local law enforcement where the unsafe driving event happened
  • State law enforcement. 
  • The Motor Vehicle Agency in this state.

If you report via telephone, Please explain to them what happened and ask for an email address for sending a link to the dashcam video.     See our easy fill form for reporting dashcam videos.