Reporting on apps and social media
You can also upload your dashcam video to websites and other social media sites. It can show other people how this person drives unsafely. This option is easy to do but can sometimes be ineffective in making the roads safer. It is unlikely any authorities will see this video or do anything about it unless it involves a serious crime,accident or fraud. It is also not likely that the actual driver will see the video of themselves driving poorly.
See tips for editing and posting your video
Here are some social media options
Helpful Tip: (Include any information you have in the description. Plate, location, time, what happened etc..)
Post on your Tiktok account. Allow people to comment and share your video online.
Post on your Instagram. You can share as a post, as a story or a reel (which is shared publicly over Instagram)
You can post this video on your page or Share publicly as a Facebook reel.
If this video occurred near your home, Try posting on a local town Facebook group if they allow it. Some towns or states also have law enforcement pages. There are also many dashcam groups and pages that will allow you to share a video.
Doorbell Apps
If this unsafe driving video was taken near your house and you have a video doorbell, you can try posting on apps like the the RING app
If you wish to add your video to our website or social media pages, Please Click Here